Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Is Your Cat an Internet Marketing Genius?

Cats understand something about marketing that have made them very successful. It's called the Law of Attraction and it is a fundamental principal to all successful marketing strategies.

Consider that there are roughly 65 million people, in the US alone, that have cats in their home and worldwide the number could only be estimated. From an internet marketing perspective it would be fair to say that cats have achieved a dominate position in their specific niche market. Who else except a marketing genius could create for themselves such a strong position in a market segment filled with competitors like dogs, birds, fish even hamsters?

Not only are they a favorite pet, but many cats have, what some might say is the equivalent of the so called "internet marketers easy life", sleeping eating, stretching, preening. Long ago cats pretty much perfected how to run things on "autopilot" by leaving the sorted details of making a living to silly humans. After all why work when people bring you food and make a fuss over you just for being cute and cuddly - not unlike some Gurus.

So, you might ask, how did a naturally solitary nocturnal hunter like "the cat" become such a, treasured, pampered, house pet? It's the perfect illustration of the basic principals of Internet Marketing and "Law of Attraction" at work: all marketers should take careful note.

In the wild cats have no need or desire to be with people. As a species they are well adapted and more than self sufficient. However, when people first settled in villages and took up farming they also began to harvest and store crops, specifically grain. Lots of grain attracted lots of rats, which in turn, naturally attracted lots of cats. Cats simply provided a valuable service and, in doing so, created a unique niche; a wonderful simple and perfect example of niche marketing.

The story doesn't end there of course cats had more to offer, which in marketing terms might be considered up selling off the backend.

It wasn't long before people saw that cats were valuable to have around since they kept the rat population under control, first in the granaries, and over time, in their homes. After several generations cats became a natural part of many households and after becoming accustomed to humans were domesticated.

When people found that cats were also friendly companions, the Law of Attraction once again offered the opportunity for cats to thrive and survive. The rest they say is history, but there is something more still that makes the cat an outstanding example of a marketing genius.

Once cats had established firmly established themselves in their niche the real brilliance of their marketing prowess became obvious. Cats took advantage of another natural talent and made more cats, lots more cats. For affiliate marketers the parallel couldn't be clearer. Go forth and multiply, make your success the success of others and grow your business building on the strength and value of those things the market needs or demands.

The moral of the story is simple; cats offered a value added service and filled an obvious need. It's marketing at it's simplest, direct straight forward and uncomplicated. Find a need, fill a need and look for ways to leverage that success by adding more value, repeat as often as possible.

Next time you see a cat lounging in a sunny window, show a little respect. Follow the cat's example and you too could become the next fat cat marketer on the Internet.

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