Saturday, March 24, 2007
Complete Cat Training - Is Your Cat Not Using The Litter Box
Cat training is more about learning why your cat does what he does. Did you know that cats require privacy when going the bathroom? If you have a litter box kept in a very commonly used area, he probably won't use it. But your carpet or somewhere else in the house may be used instead! Cats in general want a quiet, secluded area, away from family members and other animals. The importance of your cat toileting regularly cannot be over-emphasized.
Sometimes owners do not provide their cats with private & clean litter boxes, plenty of water or the ability to go outside. This can quickly lead to urinary tract disease which is very common in cats and often very debilitating. In this disease, large crystals form in your cat’s bladder, which can then flow through your cat’s urethra (the tube linking the bladder to the outside world) and they often become lodged and stuck! This obstruction of pee then causes a cat to become very ill and very sore. Then a visit to a veterinarian is required.
The key to preventing this problem is to encourage your cat to drink more which will make him go more! This helps prevent the formation of the crystals in the bladder in the first place! Ensure that you have a couple of full water bowls for your cat around the house as well as outside. Your cat should always have an unlimited supply of water.
Part of your cat training, having your cat go in his litter box, requires privacy and security so that he'll feel secure. In general, there should be more than one litter box in your household. In fact, the generally accepted formula for the best number of litter boxes for your household is, one per cat you own, plus one. So, if you have 2 cats, you should have 3 litter boxes around the house, while if you only have one cat, have 2 litter boxes – and so on.
Just as important is that you use a good absorb able litter that your cat likes and that you regularly replace this litter once every 2 – 3 days (rather than once a week!). The cleaner the litter, the more your cat will want go in it and the easier time you'll have training your cat. When placing the litter boxes around the house, make sure you don’t leave a litter tray in a corner, or anywhere where your cat may feel trapped.
The key to avoiding your cat developing urinary tract problems and having problems training your cat, is to make sure the experience as stress free for your cat as possible. By providing unlimited water, allowing some outdoors access and maintaining clean litter boxes in private areas of your house you will be providing your cat with an environment where he'll want to go in the litter box.
Remember To Bring These When Bringing Your Cat On A Trip
Can’t leave your dear pet cat behind when going on a trip? Bear in mind that there are a lot of things you have to bring if you decide to bring your cat along, and here are some necessary and important items you should remember to bring that will make life easier for you on your journey.
1. Leash, Harness and Identification tags. You will definitely have to let your cat out of its traveling cage for some fresh air, and to ensure that it does not run away while you are going to the restroom or getting some food, put it on its leash, with its tags on. Regardless of its struggles to get free, hold on tight and put the leash on. If it does get away from your grip, make sure that the length of the leash is the farthest it goes. To be safe, leash it before leaving the safety of the vehicle.
His harness must always be locked secure, and his identification tags should not be removed, especially when you let it leave its crate. An ideal leash is extendable and reels up to ten to fifteen feet. These are usually small and light and therefore your cat will have plenty of freedom and yet you are able to control it.
2. Pack its food and water for a quick bite. Therefore, you can always whip up some food for your cat anytime, anywhere. Hard cat food is advisable, and prior to the trip, get your cat to be used to the food, as so to simplify the feeding process while traveling. If you must feed your cat moist food, a can opener, scoop or fork are to be added onto the checklist, so you can still feed your cat its meals.
One important thing you should never forget is fresh water. Anytime your cat is thirsty, you would have a bottle ready for it to quench its thirst. Traveling is tiring for your pet as well, and give it enough water to make sure that it does not dehydrate. Do not neglect your pet, as you wouldn’t want a sick and weak pet when you arrive at your destination.
3. Always put your cat in a carrier or crate. If you’re flying to your destination, check that your carrier is approved by the airline. Also, be very sure that the crate is made out of high impact plastic, or other material, and is very sturdy. The ideal size of crate for your cat should be a crate that allows your cat to stand in it and turn its body around. Too large a crate may not be good as well, unless you plan to travel long distance by car, then it would be more suitable. Make sure there is enough space to have a litter box in it as well, especially if you cannot stop to let your cat out to answer nature’s call.
Siamese - A Delightful, Demanding, Protective Pet
When you say Siamese cat, most people think of the short-hair seal points, which have a creamy white slender body, brown-black ears, nose and tail. But, there are several variations of the breed as well as crossbreds like the Himalayans, which are a cross of Siamese and Persians. The blue point has a bluish-white body with slate blue points. The chocolate point has more mocha colored points and the flame point has apricot ears, nose and tail. The body of a pure-bred Siamese is sleek and features a triangular head, large ears, and pointed features. Siamese are one of the oldest and most well known breeds. They received their name when they were exported from Thailand in the late 1800’s. At the time, Thailand was Siam.
My relationship with Siamese began when I was one. My mother had me outdoors in a playpen. She was in the house when a distant uncle stopped by. Seeing me for the first time, he ran to my playpen with outstretched arms, only to be viciously attached by Josie, our Seal Point Siamese, who had been guarding me from underneath the playpen. Today, I share my house with several cats. Lucky, is a flame point Siamese mix I rescued from a high traffic area. He pretty much ignores the other cats and follows me everywhere. If I try to restrict him from coming in a room where I’m working, he stands on his back legs and beats on the door and yowls. He will keep this up for over 30 minutes. Every night since I first found him, he sleeps next to my head or stands guard like a sentry. If someone raises their voice to me, lucky will circle in front of me, raise his back and begin “yowling” (loud angry meows) at the person. I’ve been bit twice by a cat. Both times, it was peeling Lucky off a dog that had come too close to me. Fearlessly, Lucky launched an attack. Since he cannot see well, he did not know I had grabbed him. Even though Lucky is a mix-breed cat, his personality is similar to a purebred.
Siamese have personalities that are quiet unique. They want to be your best friend and will walk through fire to be near their guardian. They do not tolerate being alone well. They like to be near their guardian all the time, they are smart and like to play fetch, they can open doors and closets that allude other cats, they love to lay on your lap and hang out near the bathtub when your bathing. Siamese are extremely loyal, affectionate, and smart. They can be trained to travel well, they can be fearless, and they have a long lifespan of 18-20 years. They usually do not like dogs.
If you are thinking about getting a Siamese, you may want to read about them and see if you can volunteer time at a breed rescue site. Plan on keeping your Siamese as an indoor pet since most are cross-eyed and do not see well. If you adopt or purchase a Siamese, expect a cat that demands attention, is highly vocal, and smart. If you want a cat, because you think a cat is low maintenance, you may not want a Siamese. Some people bring their Siamese to a pet shelter because they can not tolerate their demanding nature or vocal qualities. However, if you are the type of person who would love a true companion, but can’t have or do not want a dog, a Siamese can be an ideal match. In addition to their crazy antics, and affectionate nature, you may be delightfully surprised at their constant loyalty and protective qualities.
Feline Diabetes - Symptoms and Treatment of Feline Diabetes
People know all too well the dangerous of eating food that is high in fats and sugars. This often leads to diabetes, which will then increase the chances of the patient suffering from high blood pressure and heart disease. The same thing can also happen with cats and it called feline diabetes.
Feline diabetes unlike some other illnesses may happen at any age. There are three types. The type 1 happens when the cat is unable to produce the right amount of insulin. Type 2 occurs when the body becomes resistant to it. The third is due to the side effects of the drugs that are given to treat either of the two.
Indications that a cat may have feline diabetes includes abnormal breathing, dehydration, loss of appetite and a messed up coat. This is because cats normally clean up and groom without any help, which is never seen with dogs. Veterinarians will be able to confirm this assumption after getting a blood and urine sample to check on the sugar levels.
There are 5 ways to treat feline diabetes. These include a change in the diet, insulin injections, medication, food supplements and monitoring the sugar and insulin levels.
Ideally, this should be food that is low in carbohydrates. The only time that the other four mentioned are used is when this problem has been going on for many years and a change in lifestyle will not show any significant improvements.
The most challenging of the four mentioned is administering insulin into the cat. Before leaving the clinic, the doctor will teach the owner how to do it since the wrong way of doing it could injure the pet.
There are different ways of doing this. A confident owner will hold the cat in one hand with the syringe in the other. Those who are frightful will need the help of another individual to make sure it stays still. Some give the cat a treat for behaving the entire time this is being injected.
There is no standard insulin dosage. The owner will have to go to the clinic regularly during the first month to determine how much should be given and how often. This may change later on so the cat will have to be examined again after 6 months.
Medication and supplements can be done orally or mixed with the cat's diet. Placing strips in the litter box can obtain urine samples to check on the insulin and sugar levels. This is much better than sticking a needle into the cat once a week. Some have even written down the food intake in a diary so this can also be checked by the doctor.
The one thing that separates this illness between humans and cats is the fact that surgery is not considered to be an option. This is expensive and the process of looking for a donor is very difficult.
There is no cure for feline diabetes. The best doctors and owners can do is control it using the different methods currently available. This should also continue even if things are normal because changes in the diet may once again put the cat at risk.
Feline Aids - Should You Vaccinate?
Approximately 12% of all cats in the United States have been exposed to Feline Aids (FIV). Unlike aids in humans, most cats with FIV can live many years without health issues. Eventually, secondary conditions like viral infections, diabetes or kidney disease can affect a cat with aids and attack the immune system. The cat infected with FIV that develops a secondary condition, may not be able to fight their illness, so FIV can be the major cause of death.
There is some debate as to how Feline Aids is passed from cat to cat. Most veterinarians agree it’s passed through blood such as cat bites or it can be passed from a pregnant female to her offspring during gestation (pregnancy). Some veterinarians believe FIV is also contracted through mutual grooming.
In 2002 Fort Dodge Animal Health released a vaccine designed to prevent a healthy cat from acquiring Feline Aids. The drug is controversial for several reasons.
1.There are at least five known strains of FIV. The drug does not protect against all strains. Cat guardians may feel secure that there pet is protected, but in fact, the pet is only protected from certain strains of the disease.
2.Once you vaccinate a cat for FIV, it will always test positive for FIV. This means that a veterinarian can not tell the difference between a healthy cat vaccinated for FIV and a cat infected with FIV. If your healthy cat was vaccinated to protect against FIV, and later is infected with FIV and becomes ill, it is impossible for a veterinarian to know if your cat is infected with another strain of the illness. This makes treatment challenging.
3.The FIV vaccine is an “adjunctive” medicine. One of the common side effects of “adjunctive” medicine is the growth of tumors.
4.Lastly, the FIV vaccine has a success rate of 82%. This means that one out of five cats exposed to FIV will contract the disease, even if they were vaccinated with the drug.
Here are a few things you may want to keep in mind. If you have an indoor cat and it’s not exposed to other cats, it can catch viral diseases such as Leukemia, but it cannot contract Feline Aids. There is no need to vaccinate an indoor cat against FIV. If you have a cat that spends time outdoors, make sure it’s spayed or neutered before sexual maturity (approximately six months). This is the first line of defense. Your cat will be far less likely to be involved in a cat fight. This greatly reduces the chance of a bite, or blood-related injury with an infected cat. If you decide to vaccinate your outdoor cat, make sure it also has a microchip and collar that identifies you as the owner.
If your cat was ever picked up as a stray, and the shelter could not easily find the owner/guardian, your cat would be euthanized quickly since it would test positive for FIV. If your cat contracts FIV, this does not mean a mandatory death sentence. Most indoor cats with FIV can live a long and reasonably healthy life. Lastly, be assured—there are no known incidence of Feline Aids effecting humans or dogs.
There are a lot of debates regarding cat training. Can cats be trained or if they should be trained? With over more than 500 million domestic cats in
House training is one of those issues that every cat owner must grapple with. In most cases house training is the first major milestone in the relationship between owner and cat, and it can sometimes be difficult and confusing for owner and cat alike.
Before your new kitty arrives to your home, you should decide how you are going to housetrain her/her.
When house training a cat or a kitty,it is important to pay close attention to the signals the cat is sending. It is also important to be consistent when it comes to feeding times, and to provide the cat with ready access to the toilet area you establish on a regular basis.
It is important as well to never try to rush the process of house training. While some cats are naturally easier to train, most kitties and adult cats will experience at least one or two slip ups during the house training process. When these accidents occur, it is important to not get mad and punish the cat. Accidents during house training usually mean that the owner is trying to move too fast, or that the cat has been left alone for too long. In this case, it is best to just take a step back and start the process again.
One problem many cat owners overlook when house training cat is that of boredom. Boredom is actually the root cause of many behavior problems in cats, including howling and other destructive behaviors. Boredom can also be the root cause of problems with house training.
To prevent the cat from becoming bored when you are away from home, be sure to provide him with lots of different kinds of toys, as well as a safe and secure place to sleep. In addition, a vigorous period of play time can help the cat sleep while you are away
Complete Cat Training - Every Possible Cat Training Problem You Can Think Of Solved
There are a lot of debates regarding cat training. Can cats be trained or if they should be trained? With over more than 500 million domestic cats in the world, having a home where you and your cat(s) can live happily does require some training. Without boundaries for our feline companion, we can't enjoy their company.
Having a better understanding of felines, both in terms of body and mind is a good starting point to successful training.
A cats tail is one of the ways they communicate.
If your cat is near you, and her tail is quivering, this is the greatest expression of love your cat can give you. If her tail starts thrashing, her mood has changed --- Time to distance yourself from her.
Cats wag their tails when it is in a stage of conflict. The cat wants to do two things at once, but each impulse blocks the other. For example: If your cat is in the doorway wanting to go outside, and you open the door to find it raining, the cat's tail will wag because of internal conflict. The cat wants to go outside, but doesn't want to go into the rain. Once the cat makes a decision and either returns to the house or leaves into the rain, the tail will immediately stop wagging.
Cats rub up against other cats, and people, in an attempt to "mark" them with their scent glands. They most often use the scent glands between their eye and ear (near the temple area) or their scent glands near the base of their tail.
If a cat is angry it will twitch the end of its tail.
A tail held high in the air means your cat is happy, whereas a tail pointing down will usually indicate it is not happy.
If you encounter a surprised cat, or one that is in fear, the hair on its back may become raised, along with its tail.
All these “signals” give owners important clues when training their cats. If a cat is twitching her tail, she's not receptive to you or what you are trying to teach her. Very much like children. Part of cat training is knowing when to train.
Complete Cat Training - Why Do Cats Get So Rough
Cat training is all about redirecting our cats natural instincts. This is where the great debate comes into play. Can a cat be trained to change what comes naturally? First we need to understand just what “natural” means to a cat.
There are three basic hunting traits in cats: stalking, chasing and pouncing. First, the cat watches his prey, then waits, chases and pounces. In the wild, cats have plenty of chances to hunt, but we really don't want our house pets to chance and pounce on our feet or even our faces if we're laying down.
Pouncing on peoples faces can be in response to curiosity over rapid eye movement during REM sleep.They're not doing it hurt us. It's movement that they respond to.
Cats scratch and mark because they are territorial. Scratching also satisfies the cats physical need to discard old nail sheaths and exercise its muscles.
A cat even be territorial about it's favorite chair. This is especially true when there is more than one cat in the house. Even if they get along most of the time, having their favorite chair to themselves can cause conflict. Cats' main form of play involves biting and scratching in "winner takes all" battles, whether with another cat, a toy mouse, or your hand. Sometimes biting starts when your cat is just being petted.
While some cats love to be petted for hours on end, sometimes a cat will become over-stimulated for one reason or another, and will you to stop. Your cat will signal his feelings with narrowed eyes, ears pulled back and then the inevitable tail-lashing. This is often lead to the cat biting when all the other warnings are ignored. The rule here is to watch the cat's signals and stop when it gets too much for your cat.
Understanding all these behaviors is an important part of cat training. In fact it's the foundation.
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