Saturday, September 30, 2006
Spaying - A Simple Procedure With Great Benefits For Your Pet
Spaying your female pet has many benefits, both for you, as a pet owner, and for your pet. Besides preventing unwanted litters of puppies or kittens, spaying can also help make make it possible for your female pet to lead a longer and healthier life.
Let's start at the beginning. Spaying your pet means removing the female reproductive organs, specifically the uterus and ovaries, so that your pet can no longer become pregnant. The more technical name for a spay is an ovariohysterectomy (or OHE, for short).
Obviously, if breeding your pet is a priority for you, spaying is not an option. However, any female pet which is not a breeding animal can benefit tremendously by being spayed.
What are the benefits of spaying your female pet? Well, of course, one of the most obvious benefits is that you will no longer need to worry about your pet becoming pregnant. You also will not have to worry about your female pet coming into "heat". This means, for a dog, no bleeding or mess associated with your dog being "in heat".
For a cat, it means not having to tolerate the unpleasant behaviors that your cat experiences while being "in heat". For those of you who have never been around a cat "in heat", these behaviors include loud and frequent vocalization, which can disrupt your entire household, pacing, and urine marking in your home. Unspayed female cats can come into "heat" every few days. This behavior is often a deciding factor for cat owners when considering whether or not to spay their female cat.
There are a number health benefits for your spayed female pet also. If left unspayed, female pets often develop a condition known as pyometra. Pyometra is a severe, life-threatening infection of the female uterus. It is frequently a fatal condition if left untreated. Even with treatment, some female pets do not survive a pyometra infection. Because your female pet's uterus is removed when she is spayed, the possibility of developing a pyometra is completely removed. Spayed female pets cannot develop this disease.
In addition, because your female pet cannot become pregnant, you don't have to worry about complications which can occur during or after the birth process of pregnant female pets. There is no need to worry about puppies or kittens being to large to pass through the birth canal, or in the wrong position to be born normally. Conditions such as metritis (an infection of the uterus which occurs after pregnancy) and mastitis (infection of the mammary glands, or breasts) cannot occur in spayed female pets either.
Another benefit to spaying your female pet is a lower chance of developing breast tumors later in life. This primarily applies to pets which are spayed at a young age. If spayed before the first "heat" cycle, the chance of your pet developing breast cancer later in life is very low.
It is a proven fact that pets which are spayed lead longer, healthier lives. Some estimates indicate that spayed females can live as long as twice as long as unspayed females.
Spaying also tends to make your pet calmer and more affectionate, without the mood swings that can accompany the "heat" cycle.
Feline Bladder Infections
Cats have a tendency to suffer from bladder infections. The term "cystitis," which literally means inflammation of the urinary bladder, occurs in male and female cats. This disease is also known as Feline Urologic Syndrome (FUS) or Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease.
FUS affects the bladder, resulting in the production of bloody urine that contains microscopic crystals. Bladder infections are generally connected with bladder stones, infection of the bladder wall, and tumors inside the bladder. Bladder infections can also be caused by certain bacteria. Early detection of the disease is necessary to save the cat from acute illness.
Regardless of the cause of the bladder infection, the symptoms tend to be the same: inflammation of the bladder leading to frequent urination; straining and pain during urination; and cloudiness or bloodiness of the urine. In male cats, blockage of the urethra can easily result in the over-expansion of the bladder; the bladder can even rupture with a buildup of toxins, which can lead to death within a few days.
Almost all bladder problems in cats are long-term or recurring; as such long-term management is essential. Proper diagnosis is necessary to find the correct diet, and where necessary, medical and surgical treatment should be pursued. Excessive use of antibiotics may make the animal weak and prone to other diseases.
Precautions should be taken to avoid feline bladder infections. Give the pet natural food as much as possible; if the cat's food is bought from the market, buy a product with less ash content. Always keep the pet's litter box clean. Always let your pet grow in a hygienic atmosphere.
Touring Broadway Shows
There are a number of Broadway plays and shows that people love to watch over and over again. Some of these notable plays include Les Miserables, Cats, and Miss Saigon. However, not all shows last forever on Broadway because the theaters need to make way for new shows and give others the opportunity to show their plays on Broadway.
If you find yourself as a fan of the shows that have been mentioned, do not fret because it does not mean that you will no longer be able to watch these shows. Most of the shows that are no longer being shown on Broadway go around and tour the country so that they can reach wider audiences.
Looking for Your Favorite Show
To find out where your favorite show is being shown, you can easily go to the Internet and type in your query. There are a number of sites that provide information on these touring Broadway shows. These sites show you the schedules of these shows, including where they are currently being shown and where they will go next. Some websites go a step further and even provide you with information on where you can buy tickets, and some websites even sell the tickets themselves.
Just because a show or a play is no longer shown on Broadway does not mean that the show is gone. People who may wish to see these plays can still catch them while these shows go on a national tour. These shows travel to various cities across the United States, and people can go to the cities where they are shown. For schedules of these shows, people can go to the Internet and find that the information they need is just a click away.
Choosing a New Puppy
Dogs are terrific, loyal and loving companions that bring a lot of happiness, joy and entertainment into our lives. Selecting a new puppy as a family member is a very big decision, often confusing and not one you approach casually. There are so many different breeds of dogs from tiny Chihuahua’s to huge Great Danes. When choosing a new puppy, it is extremely important to education yourself on not only the breed of dog but also its temperament and personality. You also need to consider how much maintenance and grooming the breed requires, as some people do not want to brush their pets daily, while others are happy spending time doing this.
Never choose a puppy just because it is adorable and too cute to leave. That does not necessarily make them the right choice for your household. Adorable puppies can cause many problems if they are not suited to your family’s environment. Remember, all puppies are cute but when choosing a pet that will spend many years with you, it is important to learn as much as possible about each breed you are considering.
Each dog breed has some distinct traits or instincts. For instance, hunting dogs may not fit into a family household where they have small pets such as birds, rabbits or even cats. A herding dog may spend its time rounding up the children by nipping their legs, instead of sheep or cattle. High maintenance dogs that need a lot of grooming are not good as outdoor dogs. The list goes on and on. The bottom line is research before you purchase a new puppy.
Tiny or toy dog breeds are not a great choice for families with small children. Many are delicate and accidentally dropping or jumping on them can easily injure the dog. Some large sized dogs are too rambunctious when it comes to small children. If you are looking for a puppy as a pet for your child or as a family pet, here are a few of many breeds that are normally good with children and adults:
Bichon Frise – Although they need regular grooming, these small dogs are gentle, affectionate and love children. They love to play as long as the children are not too rough.
Boston terrier – They are a small dog but very intelligent, lively and make a great child’s companion.
English setter – Although they are a large dog, they are extremely mellow and loving.
Jack Russell Terrier – Extremely high-energy and playful just like children, this dog needs lots of exercise. They make a great watchdog and are very intelligent. Jack Russell Terriers make wonderful family pets.
Cairn terriers – These small dogs make wonderful playmates and are able to adjust their behavior and mood to that of the child or adult.
Basset Hound – These calm, stubborn and loyal dogs are great in most households. They love playing with children and are sweet and friendly.
Even when we know that certain breeds of dogs are usually great with children or families, there are exceptions, so it is extremely important to not only socialize but also train your dog well.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Touring Broadway Shows
There are a number of Broadway plays and shows that people love to watch over and over again. Some of these notable plays include Les Miserables, Cats, and Miss Saigon. However, not all shows last forever on Broadway because the theaters need to make way for new shows and give others the opportunity to show their plays on Broadway.
If you find yourself as a fan of the shows that have been mentioned, do not fret because it does not mean that you will no longer be able to watch these shows. Most of the shows that are no longer being shown on Broadway go around and tour the country so that they can reach wider audiences.
Looking for Your Favorite Show
To find out where your favorite show is being shown, you can easily go to the Internet and type in your query. There are a number of sites that provide information on these touring Broadway shows. These sites show you the schedules of these shows, including where they are currently being shown and where they will go next. Some websites go a step further and even provide you with information on where you can buy tickets, and some websites even sell the tickets themselves.
Just because a show or a play is no longer shown on Broadway does not mean that the show is gone. People who may wish to see these plays can still catch them while these shows go on a national tour. These shows travel to various cities across the United States, and people can go to the cities where they are shown. For schedules of these shows, people can go to the Internet and find that the information they need is just a click away.
Just because people in our Society presumes it is a mans sport it is not necessarily so. True when watching shows on TV about Fishing all you is a lot of men. But Women Fish too. I myself prefer the sport of Cat fishing. Now am I a weakling? Yep, I love to catch them and make sure I carry my trusted partner to take them off the hook.
I prefer getting in a boat and going over by the feeder at this small lake we go to that is stocked to the Brim with Cats of all sorts. My biggest catch has been maybe 5.5 lbs (give or take an ounce or two) but my best day was after my Birthday. We were in the boat by the feeder, the lake was quit that day and the fish were really hitting my line. Every time I threw in my Rod U had a hit.
I probably caught close to 20 and could have been more, I was exhausted after pulling in many 3 to 5 lb. Cats. All were Channel and Blue Cats. And here is the kicker…I threw them all back. I don’t want to eat them (not that catfish are bad) just catch them and then release back into the lake. If I had to live and eat meat I raised, Caught, etc. I would have to be a vegetarian.
It was a good day and I remember just being so exhausted but a good type of exhausted. I had fun and that is what mattered to me. This was a few years ago and I have had good days since but there was just something special about that day. I was using actually 2 Rods and I had to finally lay one down as the fish just kept hitting as soon as my bobber hit the water. Yes it was a day to remember.
I am unable to that now as my Disabilities have gotten worse, but you know what? There’s going to come a day I try it and hopefully I will catch even bigger Cats, just so I can let them go. People think I am nuts but I just can’t do it. I love catching them and then just letting them go free and that my friend will never change.
I figure what a man or woman does with his or her fish is their choice. There are many other types of fishing…Bream, Carp (Great Sport Fish), Bass (another Sport Fish), Crappie, Perch, Trout, and many fresh water fish. Maybe I will write an eBook on this subject one day soon. Fishing is for anyone who wants to do it. If you are afraid of the spikes on a Cat Fish make sure you carry someone with you who is not, we all have our fears and that is mine.
Cat’s Best Friend
They say a dog is “man’s best friend” . . . but they left out the animals that are best friends for many, many people—Cats! I say we need a cliché for our fuzzy friends, too! Cat lovers everywhere, take a look around on the internet for helpful hints on how to choose cat care products, how to take care of your cats and kittens, and what kinds of cat accessories, cat toys and other items for your cat.
A cat lover’s cat is like any other member of the family. If you are like me and your cat is very important to you, your cat becomes a member of the household very quickly—almost like a child. After adopting a cat there are many types of cat accessories, cat supplies, cat toys, cat furniture and much, much more, that you will need to have—and check out our website if you want only the very best for your cat.
I have always owned cats—almost my entire life—and as much as I love dogs too, my cats bring another kind of joy to my life. However, when you are caring for cats and kittens, there is much to know, especially when caring for newborn kittens.
There are a wide variety of cat supplies you will need when caring for a cat. Not only are my cats special to me, but they love my friends, and other animals as well. I like to watch them play and have fun, and there are several types of cat toys, cat collars, leashes, cat beds, cat furniture and even cat clothing and cat jewelry to choose from.
You may like to dress up your kitty with cat clothing that is comfortable and looks adorable too! Or perhaps you just want some cat jewelry, such as rhinestones on your cat’s collar. There are thousands of options on the market today, and many can be found in the internet.
When you love your cat or cats, you love to watch them play and be happy, and you also want the best possible cat accessories. Whether necessary—like a litter box, or unnecessary, like a giant piece of fun cat furniture for your cat or cats to enjoy—you want the very best for your cat or cats.
Loving these cuddly and beautiful creatures is easy to do. So, so much for “man’s best friend.” My best friend (and perhaps yours too) is a soft, playful and fluffy kitty with a personality all his own. You never know quite what to expect when you have a cat—but you can count on the pleasure that your cat will bring into your life. Look around online and find out what kinds of items and ideas will enrich your life even more as you see your cat become happier too!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Contemporary Journalism and the Love of Truth
Truth is not a mere agreement between what one says or writes and the facts. And an example of this very thing is contemporary journalism.
Much of what is said or written in the present-day press can be considered as truth if we adopt a restricted sense of truth. They report and communicate facts. But the dominant reported facts and news – domestic crimes, aggressions, nationalist displays, pink and scandalous news – reveal also a strange inversion of priorities and importance. Present journalism forgets or relegates to a very secondary place wisdom, humility, tolerance and ethical values. And that represents a tremendous lack of love of truth.
When confronted with these criticisms the journalists and those in charge wash their hands of it and point their accusing finger to the public. It is impossible to survive and grow without audiences and editions. The press offers what the public wants. In the press, as in other life’s grounds, one can’t follow abstract principles of love (love of truth, in this case). There is no place for moralising.
These are strong arguments. But we shouldn’t also forget that in accepting the status quo we are also accepting the cultural basis of violence, mediocrity, and inferior mental stages. Our societies turn out to be the reflexion of vicious circles, where the market laws, allied to the inferior side of human nature and our more animal and basic instincts, are creating news and culture at what Wilmott Lewis called the standards of a certain «elderly lady in Hasting who has two cats of which she is passionately fond»:
I think it well to remember that when writing for the newspapers, we are writing for an elderly lady in Hastings who has two cats of which she is passionately fond. Unless our stuff can successfully compete for her interest with those cats, it is no good.
Willmott Lewis, in Claud Cockburn In Time of Trouble
Terrier Dog Breeds: The Top Ten Dog In This Group
The Terrier Group includes those small but lively terrier breeds that were developed (mainly in Great Britain) to hunt small burrowing animals such as badgers, foxes, otters, rabbits and rats. The terrier often had to follow the prey underground and therefore, except for the Bull and Airedale Terriers, most terriers are small and stocky with short legs. These are feisty and energetic dogs that have little tolerance for other animals including other dogs. Of course these small dog breeds have been domesticated and make good pets but they are still fairly active and require firm handling. Many breeds like the Airedale, Bull, Fox and the Parson (Jack) Russell Terriers do best with experienced owners. The top 10 most popular terrier breeds in the US according to the American Kennel Club 2005 registrations are discussed below and their registration rank is included in brackets. It is interesting to note that the top six most popular terriers are all low-shedding dog breeds that are said to be hypoallergenic when properly groomed.
1. Miniature Schnauzer
Minis (#10) are lively, pleasant and playful with expressive personalities. These loyal and devoted small dogs want to be totally involved in all family activities and love to go for walks. Most Minis are good with children but are a little too small to be a toddler's pet. They will generally get along fine with other family pets although they are terriers and can be feisty toward other dogs. Early socialization and obedience training will help with controlling excessive barking and a reluctance to walk on leash. This breed can be taught fairly easily and can even excel at advanced obedience competitions.
2. West Highland White Terrier
The West Highland White (#32) is cheerful, bold, assertive, courageous, inquisitive and has a great deal of personality. This small white dog needs to get involved in everything that is happening in the home. The Westie is easier to handle and friendlier than many other terriers but still needs his daily walks and play sessions. Westies will try and dominate dogs of the same sex but otherwise get along better with other dogs and cats than most terriers. The Westie still has its hunting prey drive and shouldn't be let off leash except in a fenced enclosed area. The Westie is very possessive of its toys and food and doesn't like to be handled by young children.
3. Scottish Terrier
The Scottie (#40) is a small dog breed with a jaunty and distinctive appearance. The Scottie is brave, alert, proud, confident, loyal and dignified. While friendly and playful as puppies, the mature Scottish Terrier can be stubborn at times. Therefore it is important to start socializing and obedience training
4. Cairn Terrier
The Cairn Terrier (#41) is one of the smallest of the working terrier dog breeds. These terriers are bold, spirited and inquisitive but are also somewhat independent-minded. The Cairn is intelligent, affectionate and eager to please its master. This breed is easily trained and likes to do tricks although they may be the tricks that he - not you - wants to do. Cairns do well with older children and love to play games. These Terriers demand lots of attention but will provide you with hours of entertainment in return.
5. Airedale Terrier
The medium-sized Airedale Terrier (#52) is larger than most Terriers and has an even temperament and sweet disposition, although some Airedales can get into fights with other dogs. This terrier is dignified, patient, loyal and intelligent and makes a great companion dog that loves to play with children. The Airedale should be supervised with young children as it may be too boisterous for them. Airedales can be trained to a high level as anything from a guard dog or watchdog to a seeing-eye dog. Airedale puppies are playful and exuberant and obedience training should be started early and re-enforced through adulthood by a knowledgeable owner.
6. Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
The Wheaten Terrier (#59) is cheerful, active, busy, playful and affectionate. The Wheaten is independent and self confident but also fairly intelligent and eager to learn. Wheaten puppies should be socialized early with children, other dogs and strangers. The breed is fairly easy to train if you can get their attention. Wheatens get along fine with older children but can be too playful and assertive with young children. Wheatens are much more sociable than most terriers but will still need obedience training to control their active and assertive nature.
7. Bull Terrier
The Bull Terrier (#62) or 'Bullie' is a lively and powerful dog. Bull Terriers are fearless, assertive, comical and mischievous. This large breed is loyal, affectionate and loving and can make a good family pet. Bullies are probably too exuberant for small children but will do fine with considerate older children. Bull Terriers need lots of attention and may not be the best choice for the city unless they are involved in lots of family activities. These dogs can be quite strong willed and are difficult to train. The breed needs early socialization when they are puppies and on-going obedience training. Male Bullies, especially those which haven't been neutered, can be extremely aggressive with other male dogs and even other pets.
8. American Staffordshire Terrier
The American Staffordshire (#63) is usually calm and friendly with an air of self confidence; this powerful medium-sized breed is active, playful, affectionate and relatively easy to train. The Am Staff loves playing with older children but is too boisterous for young children. However this dog is fearless and is not to be trusted around cats or other dogs. The Am Staff has powerful jaws and will destroy any toys you give it to chew. This breed needs early socialization to other dogs and strangers and on-going obedience training. The Am Staff is the largest of the three breeds generally referred to as Pit Bulls. The other two are the American Pit Bull Terrier which is not registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC) and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier which is registered with the AKC. In the past, these breeds were all bred to be fighting dogs. Now that this activity is illegal, these pit bull breeds have an undeserved reputation for fighting. This is a dog for an experienced owner and prospective buyers should also check their local area bylaws and also their household insurance to see if there is any restriction on this breed of dog.
9. Parson Russell Terrier
The small-sized Jack Russell Terrier (#72) is known as the Parson Russell Terrier in the U.S. The Parson (Jack) Russell is the most energetic, fearless and athletic of all the terrier dog breeds. The Parson Russell demands full participation in the family activities with lots of physical and mental challenges. If the Jack Russell gets too little exercise and companionship, then this cheerful little dog will get bored and become destructive. The Parson Russell can be very aggressive towards strange dogs and even other family dogs. The Parson (Jack) Russell needs a lot of early socialization while a puppy and adolescent to curb aggressive behavior. These strong-willed Terriers need lots of early and on-going obedience training to ensure the owner and not the dog is in charge. The Parson Russell gets along well with older children - especially those that will play ball or Frisbee with him.
10. White Fox Terrier
The small-sized Wire Fox Terriers (#76) are one of the liveliest and most energetic of all the terrier breeds. The two varieties, the Wire haired and the Smooth, differ only in coat type. These Terriers are very intelligent, curious, cheerful and love their families. The breed has so much energy that it will play and chase a ball or Frisbee for hours on end. Fox Terriers make great playmates for older children but still retain their hunting instincts and shouldn't be left alone with small pets. These Terriers should be kept on their leashes when being walked. The breed has a stubborn streak and socialization and training should be started when they are puppies and continued into adulthood.
The Easy Guide To Cat Ownership
While the title of this article may be a non sequitur, cat ownership doesn't have to be difficult. Cats are highly intelligent and can be trained to do tricks, and can provide years of wonderful companionship. Here is an easy guide to making the most out of your relationship with your cat.
Cats are usually perceived as loners who do not need affection. This is not entirely true. They need affection, they just like to pick the times when they want it. This may mean that your cat decides that 4 AM is the best possible time for them to have their head scratched, but you can usually train them to respect your sleeping schedule. The key to a happy relationship with your cat is to accept their idiosyncrasies and learn to work within them.
Cat nutrition is an area that is receiving more attention in the media. Cats by nature are carnivores and most brands of cat food include much more grain than meat products. This can create health problems for your cat, such as diabetes.
If you are concerned about your cat's health, make sure to read the labels on their food. Try to find cat food that contains more meat than grain, even if you have to moved to canned food.
Although cats can be destructive, especially to your sofa, they can be trained to confine their scratching activities to "good" areas, such as their scratching post.
While many people prefer to declaw their cats, this practice is becoming more reviled in certain circles. When the cat is declawed, they are essentially losing a knuckle of their toe joint, a prospect that is certainly painful. If you decide not to declaw your cat, frequently trim their nails to minimize the damage they can cause.
Spaying and neutering cats is just as important as it is with dogs. Even though your cat may never leave your house, they are still at risk for certain problems that can arise if you do not have them spayed or neutered.
Intact male cats are more likely to "spray" or mark their territory than cats who have been neutered. Owners of female cats can certainly attest to the fact that listening to a yowling cat in heat is not a pleasant event.
One of the main issues with cat ownership is proper hygiene, particularly when it comes to the litter box. Once you have trained your cat to use the litter box, try to reinforce their behavior at least one a week to make sure they continue to use their box.
Some cats will prefer an extremely clean box, while others couldn't care less. However, you could personally be at risk for disease if you don't keep your cat's litter box clean.
Your cat may not appear to need as much love as a dog or other house pet, but don't let their cool facade fool you. They need you more than you know and with some boundaries, love and training, cats can be wonderful and giving companions.
What makes us different?
For starters - high editorial standards, original articles and real reviews.
We write about both online and local cat resources from around the world that you won't find anywhere else: cool double-decker cat strollers, cat artists, healing gemstone cat collars as well as cat behavior and pet loss experts who offer telephone consultations.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Progress Not Purr-Fection
(I wrote this, my first published article, 20 years ago and it appeared in the September/October 1986 issue of Alcoholism & Addiction magazine. Although the main characters have moved on, the subject matter still holds true. I hope you can use it, I don't think the rights are an issue any longer.)
Every member of the family is affected by the disease of alcoholism. Take pets, for instance. There are three in our household and each has a distinct personality, as most cats certainly do. But these personalities go beyond SFB (Standard Feline Behavior). These residents are definitely "COAs" (Cats of Alcoholics).
We are a family in recovery, but as we well know, the "ism" progresses for those family members without a program. The independent cars do not have a daily plan for living, either individually or as a group. Therefore, we are hesitant to project about their chances of recovery. Smokey, the oldest, is the Family Hero. She ventures outside by herself, is successful at catching insects, and hides under the hosta plants at the bird feeder. She complains loudly when she is in the house wanting to go out and jumps on the counter demanding food. Upon occasion, she is found atop the cupboards, draped over the edge in the vantage position of a little general. She was the first car and lets the others know it in no uncertain terms. Often she is a royal pain, as she tends to act the "perfect cat."
Jimmy the Cat is our scapegoat. If ANYTHING goes wrong, we yell, "JIMMY, where are you?" Every cattail from the dried arrangement disappeared, the evidence was hanging from the mouth of Jimmy the Cat. A crash from the livingroom: there was Jimmy looking down from the mantle at the broken vase on the floor. If two out of three cats are fighting, it is Jimmy who has instigated the brawl. He stops for no more than 10 seconds for petting, and prefers to hide among the plants on the window seat.
Last, of course, is Motley, the Lost Child. At first we thought Motley was a bit slow, but that wasn't the case. He was simply quiet, by a long shot, compared to his brother and sister. Instead of meowing, Motley seems to question us with short cries sounding more like a frightened guinea pig than a cat. He uses his long fluffy tail for silent expression, something like semaphores, only with one flag. Motley cuddles close without a sound, appears bewildered, and we have found him in front of the television watching re-runs of Wild Kingdom. Motley's favorite sleeping places are under our daughter's bedcovers or in the bathrub behind the shower curtain. The other cats push him away from the food dish, and he spends a lot of time staring out the window.
Make Your Cat Purr With Love and Medicine
Have you find yourself itching madly in the middle of the night? Does your cat appear tormented from some invisible evil on a regular basis? Hey, I think I may have an idea of what you have. You've got fleas!
Advantage cat flea medicine will work on your cat or any pet for up to 30 days. What a lot of people don't know is that you have to make sure your pet has not been wet for the last 24 hours before applying the medicine. You may want to give them a bath with cat flea medicine shampoo prior to using the Advantage, but just be sure there is a span of 24 hours before applying the Advantage cat flea medicine.
What Advantage does is it kills all the fleas. Within 24 hours it goes into the blood stream of your pet. If a flea was to bite them then it would fall off and die.
The biggest problem with cat flea medicines on the market now is that they only work on the mature fleas and not the unhatched ones laying in dormant. Or the fleas they may be nesting and breeding inside your carpet. It's always a good idea to use flea powder on your carpet at the same time you apply your flea cat medicine if the problem has gotten out of control.
If you see a flock of fleas on your pet and think that killing them will get rid of the problem, think again. Killing the flees you see is only one part of the problem. Because as new fleas begin to hatch, the larvae settles into cracks in the floor, deep into the carpet and under cushions on your furniture. The larvae that hatches outdoors thrives in sandy soil, under plants and shrubs -- anywhere your pet lies down or sleeps.
How well your cat flea medicine will work all depends on if your cat stays inside or is an outside cat. There are many more fleas outside just hiding and waiting for their prey so getting rid of fleas on an outside cat will be a much bigger problem.
I know a friend of mine who flea bombed her houses and still continued to have problems. The reason for this is that the spray doesn't get under any chairs and most of the time just makes a very big mess.
Most people don't realizes how big a problem just one flea can make for your pet, not to mention you. Listen up and you'll agree... the female flea routinely consumes 15 times her body weight in blood every day. This high protein diet enables her to lay around 25 eggs every 24 hours. Some have speculated that in just 30 days, ten adult female fleas on your cat could produce a quarter of a million offspring. That is a lot of miserable scratching and itching!
Brewers Yeast
Another cat flea remedy I have used and would be my second choice is Brewers yeast. You put a small teaspoon of this in their food. For some reason fleas do not like the smell. This seems to work reasonable well. An added bonus is that Brewers yeast will also provide many vitamins and minerals for your cat.
Water and Vinegar
A water and vinegar solution is also something I have heard along the way. You would spray this on your cat. The vinegar in the solution will burn the fleas and they will hop off your pet. The only problem I see with this being that you still have the fleas inside your home and carpet, and not to mention the worst thing being that the cats hate water and will not appreciate being sprayed down. You may need to do this every few days until the problem disappears. Not the best cat flea medicine, however, it is a low-cost solution.
The Pros And Cons Of Owning A Persian Cat
Persian cats have always been a favorite breed with cat owners. They make wonderful pets and have their good points and bad points. On the Pro list, they are very beautiful to look at and generally have a sweet disposition, a quiet manner and regal character. They usually tolerate everything and walk off if bothered. They are very gentle, by nature. Another Pro is the variety of colors they come in. You have silver, white, black, red, multicolored and golden shades, just to name a few. They are an ornament to your life and home. They make attractive pets to look at. They have lovely fur and are not usually prone to be destructive in any way. Persian cats usually adjust quite well to new surroundings quickly although some can be shy around loud noises. There are some other things you need to know. This will help you adjust to possible problems of owning that may occur.
The Cons of owning a Persian cat are the shedding of hair, the possibility of runny eyes, as Persians seem prone to this and they may also have some grooming problems. Usually only older Persian cats have a tendency not to groom themselves. Some owners have their Persian cat shaved by the vet occasionally if grooming becomes a problem. It is always best to be aware of all these facts before owning a Persian cat. Persian cats make delightful pets and will bring you much joy. They tend to live long lives and get very attached to their owners. In summary, this breed will make a wonderful addition to your family and a great pet as long as you are prepared for all of these things.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Ten Principles For Good Food Storage For Corect Food Hygiene
Good management of food storage areas is of paramount importance for the prevention of food contamination. Here is a rundown of my ten principles of correct food storage.
Wash out and defrost your fridge at least three times a week. Clean up spillages immediately.
Keep all cupboards, pantries and larders spotlessly clean.
Check regularly for signs of mice, rats, cats, birds, cockroaches, ants and such pests. Deal with them promptly. In professional kitchens, shelving should never be against the wall. Leave a space of thirty centimeters so that you can easily see trails of mice or rats.
Do not keep highly perishable foodstuffs in the larder, put them in the fridge. E.G. Eggs, milk, cheese, meats. Store prepared food separate from uncooked food.
Keep all cleaning chemicals and equipment out of food storage spaces. Put them in a special cupboard under lock and key.
Food storage spaces should be designed to stand against interior walls only. This will serve to ensure that these places will always be cool and dry.
Do not run water or drainage pipes through places where food or food utensils are stored. Keep your stores dry.
Be sure to rotate your supplies thoroughly. Remember this saying; “last in, last out”.
Keep animal feed separate from human food!
Keep vegetables and eggs in a separate storage area but failing that keep all root vegitables at the very bottom of the fridge in suitable closed containers. (special storage solutions can be found on the market that allow the vegetables to breath).
4 Tips To Litter Train A Dog
And you thought litter boxes were only for cats. As it turns out, litter box can also be for dogs. That is for small dogs. Usually, it is the small dogs that stay inside an owner's home.
It makes sense to train your dog how to poop inside – preferably in a litter box. Here are a few tips to litter train a dog.
1. Get a litter box. We suggest you get the largest cat litter you can find. Remove the top so it would be customized for the dog to use. It is also easier to clean in that way. Smooth out the edges by using sand paper, preferably a rough one. Know that dogs do their business more than cats. They also do not cover up their litter with soil. Dog poop is there for everybody to see.
2. If ever you catch your dog doing his business on another area and not on the litter box you already prepared for him, say "No!" Of course, your dog must have an idea of the verbal cues and keywords. If he understands what "no" is, he’d gather that you do not appreciate him pooping or peeing there. To correct it, you can lead him to the litter box. By constantly repeating this, your dog will understand your command.
3. Most importantly, you must help your dog to get used to his litter box. Encourage him to do his business there by praising him with the verbal cues "Good boy." You can also instill in him the command "use the box." In that way, it would be easier for you to get your point across.
4. The key is being consistent. The litter box should always be in that exact same spot. You talk to your dogs with a mellow and assured voice. In that way, they wouldn't be afraid of you. In fact, they would take you seriously and would also like to please you by following your commands.
After weeks of training, eight to ten at most, your dog would have already gotten used to his litter box. You can let him roam freely, without your watchful eye.
Coyotes: How to Control Them
Coyotes are increasing in number not decreasing so they are not an endangered species. Unfortunately people feed them and they become bold and come to human habitations to get what they can, which may include pets and even small children. Here are the guidelines of the Department of Fish and Game:
To avoid problems with coyotes, people should follow these guidelines from the Department of Fish and Game:
- Never feed a coyote - Deliberately feeding coyotes puts pets and other residents in the neighborhood at risk and it's against the law to feed coyotes or other wildlife. Also, people can inadvertently feed coyotes by leaving pet food or garbage where they can get it. Feed pets indoors or promptly remove outdoor dishes, bring bird feeders in at night, store bags of pet food indoors, and use trash cans with lids that clamp shut.
- Clear brush and dense weeds from around dwellings - Reduce protective cover for coyotes and make the area less attractive to rodents. Coyotes, as well as other predators, may be attracted to areas where rodents are concentrated, such as wood piles and seed storage areas.
- Protect children - Although rare, coyotes have been known to attack and seriously injure young children. Never leave small children unattended in areas known to be frequented by coyotes, even in familiar surroundings, such as a backyard.
- Protect pets and livestock - Keep small pets such as cats, rabbits, and small dogs indoors, especially at night. They are easy, favored prey. Coyotes have been known to be responsible for a large number of cat disappearances in a single residential neighborhood.
- Use negative reinforcement - If coyotes are present, make sure they know they're not welcome. Make loud noises, throw rocks, or spray them with a garden hose. To keep coyotes wild or to prevent a coyote from becoming habituated to humans, it is important that coyotes retain their natural wariness of humans.
The best thing to do is call the fish and game warden or animal control authorities in your area and ask them to do the job for you. They will not capture the animal and relocate it as has been done in the past because that policy has caused more problems than it solved. They will kill it and dispose of the body in a sanitary way.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Southwest Topeka is a good place to heal
It isn't really clear what kind of ailment I am suffering from as I write this. I first thought it was the bubonic plague, but after waking up Monday morning, I am pretty sure someone sent me anthrax.
The wife says it is a simple case of the flu or a bad cold. She has something, too. Our 5-year-old often returns from school with more than her homework.
First Mate doesn't know how to suffer, either. When she gets sick, she goes to a doctor and then comes home and makes chicken soup.
You would never catch a guy doing that.
No, if you are going to be sick, southwest Topeka is a great place to be sick. For instance, there are a lot of places where you can infect others and have them share the misery.
As a guy, I go to Walgreen Drug Store on S.W. 37th and Wanamaker, Osco Drug at Villa West, or I see what they have got on aisles at Dillons or J.M. Bauersfeld's. Sometimes they have some good stuff at the Amoco station at S.W. 29th and Wanamaker. That is what guys do.
When I get this sick, though, I usually stick around the house. If the weather is nice, I can be found on the front porch wearing warm clothing.
Southwest Topeka always has had healing powers for me.
I have always liked this part of Topeka. Shortly after mustering out of the Army in 1972, I got a house-sitting job from major league baseball player Ken Berry.
It was only a couple hundred yards away from my folks' house on S.W. 47th and Wanamaker so laundry privileges came in the bargain. Vietnam gradually slipped from my mind.
I moved into an apartment near Brookwood for a spell but it proved too expensive, and I missed the country life, such as it was. Mind you, Topeka was where I worked and played back in the bachelor life. But I could hunt quail and deer, catch fish and a nap --- and it wouldn't be interrupted by a siren in the southwest area back then.
I rented an old farm house that had a lot of rats in it. I solved that problem with a bunch of stray cats. I lived there for two or three years.
So it is with Lost Dog Hollow, our place in the country. We bought back in 1988 with another couple. There were about 30 acres for sale, and we paid $700 an acre. It is mostly woods --- but there are a couple of pastures and a creek that flows on the north end of the property.
We have seen bobcats, coyotes, deer, wild turkeys and all kinds of birds around here. It is a great place to be when you aren't feeling good --- because it makes you feel good.
We built in 1989. An appraiser friend paid a visit not long ago and gave us an estimate of the acreage. It had zoomed up quite a bit. The things I buy never go up in value. This has made me feel good over the years.
Finches threatened by eye disease
Birds that thrive in the proximity of people and dine at backyard feeders delight nature enthusiasts. But the birds sometimes pay a hefty price for their easy meals and use of human structures for shelter. Birds that nest on or around buildings are often disturbed by people and their pets, and nestlings are easy targets for domestic cats.
Now ornithologists have discovered yet another hazard of consorting with humans that can be even more devastating: the ease with which a debilitating disease can spread among birds that congregate at feeders.
Disappearing act
Witness the plight of the house finch, a sparrow-size bird with a reddish breast that is a popular year-round visitor to feeders. In just seven years, some 180 million house finches -- 60% of the population -- have disappeared from the eastern United States, the apparent victims of a highly contagious eye disease. The disease, an infection of the conjunctiva that results in swollen, pus-filled, crusty eyes, can make it impossible for the birds to see.
The house finch, a songbird native to the Western desert, has proved to be highly adaptable, having colonized the Eastern states after its release on Long Island, N.Y., in the 1940s.
With data gathered by thousands of "citizen scientists" who participate in Project FeederWatch, a continent-wide program organized by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, researchers have been able to track the spread of the disease, which now affects finches throughout the East. From November 1994 to February 1996, participants' data tracked the disease, which originated near Washington and spread from Ontario to Florida and as far west as Missouri. The disease is spread when healthy birds come into contact with an infected bird or a contaminated object.
The disease, caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma gallisepticum, seems to have "stalled itself out somewhere in the prairies," said Wesley Hochachka, assistant director of bird population studies at the Cornell laboratory. He and the director, Andre Dhondt, suspect that the distance between populated areas in the Midwest is great enough to inhibit transfer of the disease among groups of birds. As the disease culls the population of house finches, the organism, which lives for only a day or two in the environment, is less able to spread, they said.
Tough to fight
Still, the disease is tenacious. In an article in the autumn issue of Living Bird, Hochachka and his colleagues Dhondt, Sonia Altizer and Barry Hartup noted that the disease was unusual because it has persisted for so long.
Post-Freudian dream theory
The dream theories of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung were subjective speculations almost totally without empirical support. Not until 1952 was there a major breakthrough in laboratory Investigations of dreams. That was the year Eugene Aserinsky, a graduate student in physiology at the University of Chicago, accidently discovered REM, the Rapid Eye Movements that accompany deep-sleep dreaming.
Aserinsky had attached electrodes near the eyes of his sleeping 10 year-old son Armond. He was surprised to see that the EEG (electroencephalogram) machine was tracing wide swings on its graph paper. Further research by Aserinsky and Nathaniel Kleitman, director of the university's sleep research, made the great discovery that periods of REM were signs of vivid dreaming in contrast to the feeble dreams of NREM (non-REM) sleep.
REM sleep, it soon became apparent, occurs in intervals throughout the night, usually four to six times, each lasting from ten minutes to an hour. Subjects who believed they dreamed rarely, or not at all, were amazed to find they had strong memories of dreams when they were awakened during a REM period. New facts came co light: Nightmares and sleepwalking occur only during NREM sleep. The belief that a long dream could last only a few seconds proved to be a myth. Types of food eaten during the day have no effect on REM dreams. Recordings played during sleep have no influence on learning, although such spurious claims continue to be made today for audiotapes widely advertised, even in a few popular science magazines.
Intensive research on REM sleep was taken up in scores of laboratories around the world. It was discovered that almost all mammals so far tested have REM sleep periods (including bats, moles, and whales) except, curiously, Australia's spiny anteater. Reptiles lack REM sleep, but birds seem to have intervals of REM that last a few seconds while their heads are under their wings. Dogs and cats clearly have REM dreams. You can lift a dreaming cat's eyelids and see the eyeballs dart back and forth.
REM dreaming surely serves some useful function, otherwise why would evolution have Invented it? Exactly what that function is remains a riddle. One plausible argument is that during the night, when it is difficult to hunt for food, mammals began to rest their bodies and minds until the sun arose. Some mammals even hibernate through cold winters. This, however, sheds little light on the function of dreams.
The computer revolution, and the view of AI (Artificial Intelligence) researchers that a brain is nothing more than an organic computer, led inevitably to computer-derived theories of dreaming. One of the earliest papers advocating such a theory was "Dreaming: An Analogy from Computers," in New Scientist (vol. 24, 1964, pp. 577-579). The authors were two British scientists: psychologist and science fiction writer Christopher Riche Evans, and computer expert Edgar Arthur Newman. In 1993 Evans's posthumous work Landscapes of the Night: How and Why We Dream was published. His 1973 book Cults of Unreason contains a major attack on Scientology.
The Evans-Newman theory is that the brain, like a computer, gets cluttered with useless information. just as a computer's memory has to be routinely cleaned of unwanted junk, so too does our brain need periodic scrubbing. Dreams are the process by which the sleeping brain moves information worth preserving into its long-term memory, and erases from short-term memory the trivia that otherwise would clog neural pathways. Why remember such things as the color of the socks you wore yesterday, or what you had for lunch, or everything you said during idle conversation?
As electrical impulses zip around the brain to eliminate such garbage, the pulses activate adjacent neurons to call up patterns that are essentially random. Our unconscious brain does its best to put these images into some sort of coherent scenario, but because they are randomly accessed, the dream story exhibits bizarre nonsense and abrupt transitions like the scenes in Lewis Carroll's two Alice books. For an hour or two every night we go harmlessly insane!
Freud believed that dreams are symbols expressing in heavily disguised form the repressed wishes of the id (unconscious), most of them sexual and going back to childhood. If not disguised, Freud believed, our shocked superego, with its moral imperatives, would wake us up.
Carl Jung discarded what he thought was Freud's overemphasis on repressed sexual desires. In his view dreams reflect "archetypes" -- memory traces inherited from our evolutionary past. Dreams of flying and falling, for example, are genetic memories of ancestors swinging through trees and occasionally dropping to the ground. Terror dreams of being pursued reflect times when our ancestors fled from fierce beasts. For Jung, dreams do not so much conceal as they reveal these ancient memories buried in what he called humanity's "collective unconscious."
Evans and Newman have no use for either Freud or Jung. Dreams, they argue, are essentially nonsense, though of course influenced by hopes and fears, and by night events such as sounds, smells, temperature, drafts, bodily distresses, and so on. Our brain filters out accustomed noises, such as rain, the hum of an air conditioner, or a television set left on, but sudden, unusual sounds, such as a baby's cries, a thunderclap, or a ringing phone, either wake us or are incorporated into a dream. If we are thirsty we may dream of drinking; if hungry we may dream of eating. If our bladder is full, we may dream of urinating. If our face is sprayed with water, we may dream of taking a shower.
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