Saturday, December 02, 2006
How to Identify Birds With Ease
Can you identify birds? How many of the various species are you familiar with? Well, believe it or not, you may know a lot more than you think. And they are surely quite a few people who are very enthusiastic about it. In fact, bird watching is still a rather popular hobby. However, it can be rather time-consuming to do the proper research if you plan to sort through the many airborne creatures that populate our skies. Regardless, this can be a fun and exciting past-time if you give it a shot.
Wouldn't it be cool if you were able to impress all your friends by knowing each and every bird you spotted? I think it would be rather impressive and I bet you to surprise them too. The great part is, you don't really need much to get started. It's a very inexpensive hobby to undertake. All you really need is a decent set of action is and they could bird book for reference.
Whenever you see a prayer that you don't readily recognize, or has the usual features it really does catch your eye doesn't it? Maybe at that point you were probably wishing that you knew how to identify birds. I can recall feeling this way many times as a kid. Growing up in the country certainly has its high points, but it's much more exciting if you understand the nature around you. My father came the sum of my first lessons on how to properly identify birds.
I first rejected the notion thinking that it was rather boring pasttime to get involved with. However, as I grew and experienced camping and fishing much more, I eventually wanted to know how to identify birds and the various species of plants and other wildlife. While identifying birds is really very enjoyable, identifying plants can come in real handy if you spend any amount of time outdoors. You can ask anyone who's ever had an encounter with poison ivy. That can be a really unpleasant experience.
After spending a summer along the Mississippi River with my dad and little brothers, I really began to have a surge appreciation of how to identify birds. A personal favorite of mine is the Blue Heron. You too can learn how to identify birds in no time at all. There is an absolutely huge volume of books readily available just about anywhere that will help you a great deal. The Internet is also a wonderful resource.
Birding - Where to Find the Birds
Once you catch the bird watching fever, you are doomed. You will always find yourself looking for new viewing spots. Here is a quick primer on where to find them.
Birding – Where to Find the Birds
Whether you are traveling to a far off land or just walking around your neighborhood, you can find prime bird watching spots by following a few general rules. Birds tend to be creatures of habit [or habitat] much like humans. Specifically, certain birds always seem to show up in the same types of places. This gives you a little insight to when and where you can catch a view of them.
Alas, wooded areas are harder and harder to find as civilization spreads its winds in community developments. Urban sprawl has definitely taken a bit out of natural wooded areas. If you are fortunate enough to still live near some, you can find a bevy of sightings along the border of such areas. Obviously, bird species are different in every part of the country, but you can expect to see at least some of the following species – flycatchers, warblers, owls and the occasional hawk.
If you live along the coast of the ocean, you probably already know that sightings are as easy as heading to the beach. Since you need to go early for the best sightings, you get the extra advantage of finding a prime parking spot during the busy summer months. Depending on the habitat along your coast, you can expect to see some form of sandpipers, plovers and many other shorebirds. If you are lucky, herons and egrets may be in your area as well.
If you live near marshes or flooded areas, you are probably sick of mosquitoes and the like. The good news is you are in prime birding land. Where there are bugs, there are birds galore. You can expect to see species such as bitterns, blackbirds, wrens, sparrows, flycatchers and warblers. Just make sure you take the bug repellant with you!
As an aside, there are some man made areas that are excellent for birding. If you live near a dam, winter viewing can be excellent. For non-migratory birds, the flowing water around dams is an attraction.
Attracting Birds to Your Garden
Birds are usually attracted by the geographical locations and tend to move to the place that resembles to their favorite location. Therefore, you must refer to the specialty magazines and documentations to find out the type of birds in your area and the geographical location those birds like. You can consult books based on the migration and species of birds to find out the details about the species of birds that are found in your area in summers and winters as many birds migrate from one place to another for the same. The best way is to take the photograph of the birds that you see in your surroundings and then find the information about that bird to acknowledge the type of location these birds thrive for.
The best way to attract a large number of birds is to have a source of water, that is, a pond or pool of any size. This would attract many ducks, gooses or birds at your garden.
The next thing the birds look for is food, the second basic necessity for living beings. Therefore, arrange for a place where the adequate food such as bird seeds, bread or any bird food like corn is available easily. Many birds love to eat sun-flower seeds that are easy to find and are inexpensive also. You must look for the needs of each and every type of birds in your area to meet their demands.
By following the above stated methods you can attract the large number of birds in your garden. You must not keep scarecrow or anything like that in the garden as it may scare the birds away from your garden. For example- in many cases the neighbor’s dog is a big threat for the birds and birds usually don’t like to live there where there are dogs.
Remember its not so that every breed of birds would adjust with every other breed, therefore such two breeds must not stay together in your garden. The garden should have a natural look and there should be no noise of children or any such loud noises that may disturb the birds. It’s very important to understand the nature of birds you are inviting to your garden.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Why Do Birds Make Such Great Pets?
Why do birds make such good pets? It is interesting really, because birds are free and most likely do not wish to be put into a cage and yet they seem to like the companionship and safety from the outside world that cages offer and they seem to like the free food too.
Outside birds like Hummingbirds seem to hang around and will make your home their home as long as you feed the bird feeders for multiple generations. And it is a nice deal for them. They can enjoy buzzing around and knowing there is always food in the feeder for them, it is a win/win situation indeed for those who love birds.
Why does mankind love birds so much? After all we have a national bird; The Bald Eagle and there are endless bird watching sites on the Internet as well. In fact we seem to be all bird crazy, but why? Well many evolutionary biologists surmise that mankind has co-evolved along side our feathered friends.
The birds in the trees start making noise when intruders come near. And perhaps early mankind living in troops prior to our first civilizations used these warning sounds to reduce the element of surprise from something or some animal, which might harm them. Indeed this theory makes perfect sense. And so maybe we are genetically engineered to work together in this way some how. Perhaps this is why birds and people seem to go together? Consider this in 2006.
Bird Cages – A Home for Your Feathered Friends
The practise of keeping birds goes back throughout human history. People have long wanted to keep the beautiful creatures as pets, but since they can fly, cages were needed to keep the birds contained.
Bird cages are common in many households. They are traditionally a tall brass cage, made from several pieces of wire bound together with a solid base and a door. The way that the horizontal and vertical bars create a mesh gives the bird a surface to climb with it’s agile hook-like feet. The traditional cage has one perch in the centre, a simple crossbar that the bird can sit on, and the floor of the cage is lined with something like sandpaper that can be easily changed due to the fact that birds shed a lot of feathers and create mess.
There are a variety of modern bird cages, some very large in size. They usually have one or more perches and are easily portable. The larger cages can be several feet tall and wide, with platforms, ladders and ornate designs. They will sometimes come with a built in seed and water holder that can be easily refilled, but these can be bought separately.
You will probably want to furnish a cage with a variety of toys to keep your avian friend happy. There is a huge range available; ropes that come in various lengths and knots, acrylic shapes, mobiles, balls and bells. This is important for the more intelligent species of birds like parrots as they get bored easily.
Some feel that bird cages are inhumane, trapping a creature in a small confine, effectively jailing it. This is the root of metaphors that compare bird cages to prisons. An option that gives the birds far more freedom is a aviary, essentially a very large cage the size of a shed or even as large as a house. Aviaries are usually used by zoos and can contain several species of bird, plants, trees and insects, creating a kind of natural environment and plenty of room for the birds to fly.
African Grays (Greys); The Smartest Bird Around
Some of the stories and tales of this ability are indeed incredible and many a researcher has attempted to prove them right or debunk them. One author Dr. Ruppert Sheldrake, has written extensively about this. Here is a picture of one;
Of course such a smart bird, which can understand the English Language will run you some serious duckets, not like other pet birds and you can expect to shell out more than $1,000 or more in the United States for an African Gray. African Grays are parrots and of the same family of birds. African Grays are by far The Smartest Birds Around anywhere on the planet. If you want a smart pet and do not have the room for a Chimpanzee, may I suggest and African Gray? Consider all this in 2006.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
A Bird Feeder for a Chickadee!
“Don’t Move!” I said to my husband in a barely audible whisper. He froze. We were sitting on our back deck enjoying a warm summer day. He was reading, as always, and enjoying a cold ice tea.
He asked me what was wrong. I told him to slowly look at his right shoulder. His response was immediate. “Is it a wasp?” He hates bees.
“No!” I whispered. “It’s a Chickadee.”
The next few minutes were breath taking for us both!
The little wild bird cautiously walked down my husband’s arm to his hand.
My husband was holding a small bowl of shelled peanuts. He loves to eat peanuts. But, now it looked like he was going to have to share his treat.
The Chickadee looked back at him, as if to say, “May I have one, or two, please?”
When my husband did not make any motion, the Chickadee carefully reached into the bowl and plucked out a plump peanut.
When the little feathered felon flew away with his booty, I laughed out loud. I was delighted to have witnessed this little escapade!
Three or four more times that afternoon the little Chickadee returned to his perch on my husband’s shoulder and made his way to the bowl of peanuts, his temporary bird feeder.
This little event has been a topic of conversation in our family ever since.
I have been feeding the birds in our backyard for many years. Although he has never been as crazy about bird watching as I have been, my husband has always been tolerant of my passion for my hobby.
He supported me by carrying the heavy bags of seed in from the car. He patiently moved the feeder poles around until I was satisfied with the position of a new feeder.
But, after his experience with the little Chickadee on his shoulder, He was hooked! He now understood why backyard bird feeding is such a fun and also addictive hobby.
Together, we have travelled to trade shows looking for new products for our backyard bird feeding hobby.
But, let me tell you another story about my husband and his little Chickadee friend.
One day a few weeks after his first encounter with the peanut thief, my husband was working in the family room. He heard a “tap” “tap” “tap”. He went to the door. But no one was there. A few moments later he heard it again. “tap” “tap” “tap”.
But, before he could get to the door the tapping started once again. This time he realized that the sound was coming from the glass patio door. When he looked, he could not believe his eyes. There was a little Chickadee. (My husband is sure that it was his little friend.)
A quick look outside revealed the reason for the tapping on the door.
The bird feeder was empty!
Wondering if a full feeder would satisfy his feathered friend, my husband proceeded to take some seed outside to the feeder.
Once he went out onto the deck. The Chickadee did not fly away. Instead, he flitted about near my husband while the feeder was being filled.
Almost as soon as the lid was put back on the feeder our little feathered friend landed and proceeded to eat.
That day, my husband told me that he now knew why I was so passionate about backyard bird feeding.
The Bird Cage
There are not many situations in life where two passions meet, and in some rare cases they even compliment each other in such a way that it almost seems natural that they are combined. The passion for pets and especially birds is very unique, although many people enjoy having pets, the bird owner can be a very different character than the average pet lover.
Birds are creatures of delicate beauty, they are also capable of the one thing humans wish for the most and can not have, flying. With incredible grace and power they can lift themselves to the sky and fly away to great distances, encompassing in their flight the pure meaning of freedom and independence. Many can think that holding a bird in a cage is simply cruel and is unnatural, in some cases, and in my opinion these people are right.
But on other situations the holding of a bird in a cage may serve for its own protection, some birds are also capable of living in a cage and flying away from time to time, always coming back to their cage, in these cases the cage has become a home. For those who admire and love birds and bird watching there is no greater joy than having your own bird and watching it take flight from time to time.
One other thing you can do with a bird cage is place it in your home, as a decorative item, enhancing the interior design with a beautiful bird. Anyone who has even visited a house of a bird lover who also has a passion for interior design will remember a room with a few bird cages, the unique sound and the almost outdoor feeling that the birds bring to the indoors is very inspiring.
When one thinks of combining these two, owning a bird and keeping an interior design that will embrace the birds presence, one must take into account the living conditions suitable for the birds he is holding, this will require a detailed talk with a professional, or a veterinarian. The other things to take into consideration is the effect that the regular every day life of the birds, a thing that will require maintenance and attention, since you will want to have the birds in a main room. Placing the bird cage in locations that will reward the birds with a nice view is also important, although in some cases there are birds that prefer not to have any view at all, if the bird does not want to be placed in such location it is almost always something that is very clearly displayed.
The Talkative Pet Bird
Parrots are very interesting birds because of its mimicking abilities. When petting bird is your concern, it takes a lot difference than getting other domesticated animals for a household companion. A parrot is a noisy bird, more unpleasant if not given due attention and care. It is subject to emotional fits depending on how its instincts and traits developed from former habitat; to compliment or conform, to the lifestyle of the adopting family it embraced.
Reasons People Get Pets into their Households
1. When a person is alone in the house a pet companion is the solution. Individuals find it comfortable to select bird or animal pet because it emits trust. You'll likely distrust more individuals from your own peers than pet animals.
2. Many people choose parrots because they could easily communicate and could return back conversations as they have instinctive qualities to mimic.
3. Pets, regardless of kind have therapeutic implications to the aged, or desperate.
4. A parrot helps to usher the presence of somebody thru noisy enthusiastic antics to welcome a friend it recognize.
5. Birds are nature-groomed, tidy, beautiful, and attractive because of its colorful feathers.
6. Unlike any other pet, parrots never get contaminated easily being caged and are not able to stray on grounds.
There are many parrot classifications from so many kinds in various countries of origin. But there are more to a dozen of species for each type mentioned in all those actively trainable birds. To illustrate a few from among the types "Conures," will tell that each one comes from a certain wild place of origin, almost all from the wilds of South America or South and Eastern Africa where vast virgin forest still abound.
*Sun Conure - A type of Conures parrot it is a very beautiful bird in a mixture of yellow, orange and red with a slight touch of green on its wings. Green is more dominant in the young suns and color become brighter in a series of molts. An adult sun weighs 100 to 120 grams. Gender can't be detected easily except when one observes closely. Female birds are more rounded and smaller than the males that are square, flat and larger. Known for being loud and noisy, are possibly easy to train. Comes from the wilds of Brazil (Northwestern), Venezuela, and Guyana.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Happiness With A Blue Parrot
Parrots are known to be one of the most entertaining, loyal, and fun-loving pets any person or pet lover can ever have. Through the years, the popularity of parrots—no matter what kind or color they may be—has grown into large quantities.
Although the type of parrot—the specie and family—is important for a starting owner or breeder, one of the growing preferences among the so many kinds is the color—specifically blue.
Blue parrots—or those that bear the shades of blue in their feathers, eyes, or beaks—are one of the favorites among parrot owners especially those that are first time owners because they look lovely as they grow older and bigger.
Why choose a blue parrot?
Blue is one of the most popular and favorite colors because it signifies calmness and placidity. In its different shades, blue is always associated with tranquility, relaxation, peace, harmony as well as cleanliness, loyalty and depression.
Among the so many parrots that have a shade of blue color are the Quaker Parrots. Although this specific breed also comes in a variety of colors like green and yellow, the blue ones are quite in demand because they are rare and usually expensive.
In pet trades today, blue baby parrots cost around $400 while the pallid blue females are about $600. Quaker pairs in shade of blue or pallid blue (those with dark eyed cinnamon blue) are sold for $1350 because they are guaranteed to split to pallid male with an unrelated blue pallid female pair and can also produce pallid blue female babies.
Single breeder Quakers namely blue females range from $400 while the blue make parrots that are guaranteed split to red eyed cinnamon ones cost $800. The blue male parrots that are guaranteed split to pallid male can be brought for $750. The pallid blue females cost $600 while the pallid blue males cost $1250.
The most popular blue parrot of all times was the Macaw-Glaucous or known as “Blue Macaw.” Originating from Argentina, this blue parrot was known to shy, talkative, social wild bird, and pet. Often mistaken for Lear’s Macaw for having a similar size and build, the Blue Macaw stands out for having different coloration. This blue parrot is quite popular because its feathers are blue and could easily change tones with different shades. Its plumage was a brilliant greenish-blue, the back of its neck has a unique gray-blue color, the head and nape has a bluish-gray color, and the undersides of its wings and tail were black but the topside of the wings exudes a bright sky blue color. Unfortunately, this blue parrot is extinct for less than a century now.
If you’re interested to be a parrot color breeder, books that are comprehensive, thoroughly up-to-date, with illustrations are available in the market now.
Getting a Parrot Pet for Advantage
Seldom could anyone think of acquiring a bird pet except that of having a parrot as one, because parrots have been favored and popular among other bird pets. You see and observe the beautiful multi-colored talking parrot of your neighbor.
Few never realized that it is near absurd to get happy effects of a parrot pet, if one is careless to select its kind. Your great interest to have one leads you to a "pet store." Lets talk about selecting the best parrot pet that'll make you happy and serve you better benefits than disadvantages; and companion, as well.
Whenever you go to a bird shop to canvass for the purpose of getting a pet parrot, don't be carried easily to persistent manipulative sales talk, all pro-relative descriptions about the bird. Shop owners or storekeepers target on maximum sales output, and will do best to convert stocks into cash.
Avoid "parrot pet" Impulsive Buying
1. Window Shopping - First day shop visit is a mixture of study process and analyzing of what, which, where, and how as regards the advantages, kind of parrot, and future living conditions as pet. Don't jump into positive conclusions that; because the bird takes to a lot of responding while on display, makes a good pet.
Attractive features, like color of feathers, size, and energetic fitness are poor criteria to base in selection. Deeper know-how on the origin, specie, and breeding should be of vital reasons to consider. Take into account what kind of space in your household could you afford for its cage (larger size cage need bigger space, or vice versa). Will you have enough time to train and tend the bird well for the benefit of yourself and its own.
2. Adapting the Parrot Persona Potentials - Certain pet birds are adept to creating a character that fits in to the lifestyles of pet owners. Various birds to select are; the hyacinth and scarlet Macaw, Amazons, Conures, Moluccan Cockatoos.
Each of these parrots display respective qualities in beauty or intelligence, and capable to love their masters. However, some need special care and attention. The degree of mental stimulation taken upon them will total to any output they'll give in return, to satisfy the pet's master. Without the proper approach and training you'll concern upon it, parrots resort to undesirable tantrum fits of depression leading to screaming, biting, and self-destruction.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Foods That You Can Feed Your Parrot
When children hear about parrots, the first thing that comes to mind is that this bird is usually on the shoulder of a pirate and it can talk.
Though this creature has a habit of wanting and eating a cracker, studies have shown that this magnificent and colorful animal needs more than that in order to maintain a healthy diet.
By following these simple tips, the person can find other things, which are also essential to the parrot’s diet.
1. Parrots should have also have some vegetables, cooked meats and grains just like humans. This is because these creatures need the same nutrients that people get from eating such produce.
2. A healthy diet also means giving the parrot the right portions in each meal. If the owner gives too much, this should be reduced. This will take some time to get it right so the individual should just monitor the volume each time this is given to the animal.
3. Parrots get sick very easily. If there is excess food in the plate, this should be removed because this becomes the breeding ground for bacteria and molds.
4. Aside from food, the parrot must also be given a fresh supply of water daily. This will avoid making the bird dehydrated, which can also cause it to get sick.
5. Many people see pet owners giving seeds and nuts frequently to the parrot. Studies have shown this should be done sparingly because it does not provide that much nutrients, which are needed for the bird’s diet.
6. Though parrots may eat almost anything that humans eat, these following should never be given. These are chocolates, avocados, caffeine, alcohol, kidney and lima beans.
7. Parrots should be fed twice day and enjoy it if the food is mixed in water in the bowl. It is advisable for the pet owner to wash the dish first before and after each meal to make sure it is free from bacteria and other germs that could endanger the life of the bird.
These are just a few tips in feeding the parrot. The owner can read up more by buying a book or doing some research on the Internet.
Before buying any food for the parrot, it will also be a good idea to seek the advice of a veterinarian. This specialist can check on the bird and recommend the proper items to be bought from the pet store.
Birding and Haiku - A Natural Pair!
The hobby of birding has been growing strong over the years. And why not? What's cooler than watching something feathery and wild from your window or on a nature trail? Bird fans are also big poetry fans. Haiku, the true original nature poem has something to offer the birding fan as well.
Short, succinct and full of vivid imagery, haiku gets right to the point without wasting words. For example, look at this birding haiku by the author:
Thunderclap --
Robins vanish
In the brambles
In just six words, an entire picture is created! The first line tells us about the weather and the general mood or ambiance of the day. Lines two and three are more specific and show us what is taking place. We can see that the robins are frightened by the sound of thunder and fly off into bushes. The beauty of the haiku poem is that it does not tell you but shows you what's happening. It's present tense style illuminates action far better than any third person narrative or 1000-word poem could ever do.
Birding fans would be surprised to learn just how many haiku have been written about birds. Being one of the author's favorite topics to write about, birds evoke a special mystery that needs to be explored through haiku. Here's another bird haiku:
Ducks skitter
Across the lake…
Winter afternoon
Here we have a picture of ducks either getting ready to fly off or settling down. Skittering is an action that has the bird just on top of the water's surface. It's one of the more interesting things to observe a duck doing. All in all, if you're a birding fan and like poetry as well, check out the venerable haiku poem. You won't be disappointed.
Disadvantages of Having Parrots for a Pet
Parrots can be pretty hard to take care of. Unlike other pets that can be left alone in their cages, parrots are restless creatures who you have to check up on a couple of times every day. Here are just some things that parrots can do to your home.
Parrots can be pretty messy
If you are the type that would like the house to be spotless, try to reconsider getting a parrot or any pet for that matter. Parrots can be really messy, even a small parakeet.
Their food can be flung everywhere even when they are inside the cage. Your floor can be filled up by pellets, seed, and nutshells. Sticky foods may also be plastered on the walls, on the bars of the cage and even at the ceilings. Foods will literally be everywhere.
Another problem that you may have are their poop, which you really have to clean everyday. And they are not that disciplined to only poop in one place. They actually poop everywhere, in bars, in their food dish and even with the toys that you give them. They may even poop in between bars, which may end up on the floor and sometimes even on you.
If you have a cockatiel variety or the grey breed, you will also have to contend with the powder that they have on their feathers. The feathers will stick everywhere. So, you really have to dust everyday.
Because of this, you have to scrub the cage, their dish and the whole of the area at least once a day to prevent bacteria from settling in and of course the bad smell.
2. Parrots chew on everything
Parrots love chewing wood. In fact, owners of parrots often give them wooden toys to play and chew with inside their cages. Parrots however are not satisfied with just these toys. When they get the opportunity, they will chew on everything that they get their hands on. They will puncture your clothes, your furniture, even your books.
This can be really frustrating especially if you are the type of person who wants a clean house. Parrots are not recommended in homes that have dainty and fragile furniture. They should also not be placed in areas where they can break things and chew on antiques.
Be careful with wearing jewelry because they will sure to grab it or chew it. Parrots love shiny things. They can claw the stone right out of your favorite jewelry.
Monday, November 27, 2006
A Way of Handling Your Pet Bird
Bird trainers have developed skills or techniques, and become experts in understanding the behavioral nature of the parrot. Several books, manuscript, and guidelines in promoting the positive angles to be on the win side in behavioral conquest of the bird have helped a lot of amateurs and pet owners.
Parrots are the most misunderstood birds in existence. It's up for you to get thru better relationships with your bird, for it is, what you make it so. Before knowing it, at a slightest trait overlook, this bird in your cage could create havocs of anxiety and frustrations in your life. Basically, parrots need real training, otherwise, you will one day find out, it becomes an undesirable annoying character stealing away every bit of your peaceful, chaos-free moments.
Basics in training start with the bird's character traits and instincts. Your first approach is to notice its biting habits and screaming. These are inherent to parrots especially if it seemed likely to be ignored. Like humans they develop into emotional outburst, and their tendency is to find an object to threw out their fits.
Instinctive biting and screaming loudly distract. Try to find out what causes such behavior. Every bit of undesirable action could be a reaction that actually comes from its surrounding environment, either from your very self, or from anyone among your companions inside the house.
Behavioral Aspects in Training
1. Let us deal into terms similar to psychology in humans.
*Operant conditioning, situation in training, on other domestics or your bird pet; reacting well in order to gain something positive, or to evade from something negative. Example: Directing your bird to whistle, if it mimics the action, you hand in its food. Next time, instinct to eat allows impulsive choice to obey, whatever you want it to do, a whip of your finger, or cue from your mouth.
*Bridging stimulus set an example, when a hand is raised to command the bird to perch in one corner of the cage, the demonstrative actions serve a bridge for the parrot to choose in abeyance following the hand cuing, because a toy is ready at reach.
2. Do not punish pets for any negative attitude or actions done previously.
Example: When it unties cage's knots (birds do kept biting and untying); long time before you discovered it, don't whip or deprive it of meals. Birds or animals do not know of past and future. Bird's instinct is to live or act "here" and "now," and never aware of anything done ostentatiously. Turn to let a parrot obey you on what it does at the moment.
A large scale of parrot species need to be captivated to insure you with one of the best pet favored by many households. Research where your pet originated in order to pursue utmost care in mutual relationships between humans and birds.
Adopt a Smaller Pet Bird
The bird with the scientific name Poicephalus Meyeri originated from the wilds of Central and Eastern Africa. Meyers have gone thru countless hybrids without having to consider instant look "standard" in plume color and other features. Meyer parrots appear to be of six sub-species; each looking perfectly similar with the rest, resulting to lack of dominant marks to distinguish each from the others.
It is believed that breeding has started from the wilds where the bird originated, and gone thru with disregard in the proper manipulations and considerations on the bird's total breed. Meyeri parrots are inferior in size compared to other birds, preferred choice for household pets. Being small saves you from preparing a large cage, conducive to smaller space in its foster home.
Like other parrots, there's no assurance that the Meyer will talk. It takes a lot of patience and determination to let it mimic in return to efforts done in training. The disadvantage of its having gone thru unprecedented hybrid processes is believed to have started while on captives in the forests; original breeders, mindless to focus on basic colors.
Later breeders have difficulty in their assessments; as to whether they could still resolve to come up with the desired feather color combinations, that may under mind a fixed determining appearance of the bird. They are less capable to detect how many species are scattered, making for a whole population of confusing inter hybrid in captivity.
Six Sub-species of the Meyer Parrot (Poicephalus Meyeri)
1. Poicephalus Meyeri Meyeri
2. Saturatus
3. Reichenowi
4. Matschiei
5. Damarensis
6. Trasvaalensis
It takes a very knowledgeable observer to detect which this and that, of its sub-kind because of the complicated spread in overall plumage. It's a general vague overview on the breeding approach; and presenting today a big controversy what touch in hybrid to concentrate, if only to settle to one image. Meyers' bird breeding has similarities to what was done with the Senegal bird; kind of "mind twist" run-down observation tests which, and what sub-species.
Plumages' dominant hue is of gray and brown. Back part is gray, and bills are dark gray. Thighs, wings, crown, and shoulders are yellow. Heads and beaks determine what apparent sex it belongs. Males obviously have flatter heads; but to get total assurance of its sex is thru operation or DNA test.
Mature Meyers weigh 100 to 135 grams, measure between 7 to 9 inches (20 to 22 cm.), and length of wings spread to full span is 5 to 6 inches (14 to 14.9 cm). It reaches sexual maturity from age three to four years old, and lay 3 to 4 eggs, hatched after a period of 3 months (12 to 13 weeks) but could leave nest after 9 weeks.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Criteria in Purchasing a Pet Bird
The African Gray parrot originated from the wilds of Western and Central Africa. Their existence dates back history 4,000 years ago, seen in Egyptian hieroglyphics depicting parrot pets of ancient pharaohs. Royalties and affluent Roman families kept parrots in ornate cage, so, with the Portuguese sailors who have African Gray pet parrots when the travel on their colonial conquest voyages.
African Gray has two sub-species; the (1) Congo African Gray (Scientific name - P. e. enthacus), and (2) Timneh African Gray Parrot (P. e. timneh). Both sub-species of the African Gray resemble in color, the difference is that the Congo African Gray color shades are deeper than that of the Timneh African Gray.
Obviously, dominant plume hue defines its descriptive-name "Gray;" full tail is red (crimson), bills are charcoal gray, and white background surrounding its eyes. It's a bit smaller than the Blue and Gold Macaw, and measures 13 inches (33 cm) in size. Weight ranges from 380 to 550 grams.
Acknowledged among the most intelligent birds on earth, it is reputed to excel in talking abilities. It has a life expectancy of 50 to 60 years; twice or thrice compared to any other animal pet, favorable to pet selection for one who desires to get life-long pet companion. Sex is indistinguishable among its kind except if it under goes surgery, or thru DNA tests.
Birds are on sale for so many reasons. There is a great demand for any kind of pet in the entire world. Rich nations whose citizens are not endowed with big families resort to pets for companions. In cases like it, birds who have extended life span comes first in the list of relevant life-time companions to ease pain and loneliness of being alone.
Reasons for Patronizing Sales of the African Gray Parrot
1. This parrot is best in mimicry, regarded most intelligent of all birds.
2. The lengthiest life span among birds; some only last up to 30 years, maximum life of African Gray is 60 years old.
3. Could adapt easily on common fruits, vegetables and nuts as in the wilds, in its human captivity environment.
4. Capable in associating human words with their meanings to certain degree.
5. Claimed by long-time owners as comparable to having a 5-year old child as a companion.
6. Very faithful and devoted for its tendency to bond to only one person, when there were no chances of intermingling with different peoples.
The Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species announced that sale of all parrot "catch," direct from the forests, are illegal.
Breeders of the African Gray parrots in captivity hand-rear them for the benefit of pet traders. Hybrid African Gray parrots are promoted on pet shops, on the websites and seldom by individuals who incidentally are forced to part with their bird due to unavoidable reasons in their lives.
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