Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Cats Versus Kids

With their spunky independence and willful indifference to practically anything they do, cats make an admirable pet. What else can interact with you on a daily basis and yet spurn you regularly - and make them love you while you do it? The first thing that comes to my mind are my kids. With such similarities, I wonder how a comparison of the two stands up.

1. A cat's purr soothes most people. A child crying only makes them stare disapprovingly.

2. You can leave a cat alone for a week and slip food and water through the cat door, and they'll be fine. Don't even try that with kids (though you may occasionally be tempted).

3. Cats have nine lives, and we like that. Teenagers take nine years - we don't like that.

4. A cat is nice and warm. Kids are gooey and sticky.

5. If you have a bad day, you can yell at your cat (or in its general direction) and it will look at you like you are stupid. Yelling at your kids because of your boss scars them for life (sort of like leaving them alone for a week).

6. If a cat disappears for a few hours, the odds are good it will be fine. If your kids disappear, call 911.

7. Cats are allowed to lick your face. Kids are not.

8. When your cat falls out of a tree, it will land on its feet with no problems. When your kid falls out of a tree, they will land on their feet (or legs, or arm, or wrist) and break them.

9. Your cat thinks he's your boss, and is probably right. Your teenager thinks he's your boss - that needs to be fixed.

10. A cat will bathe regularly without being reminded. Kids don't do that until they turn twelve or so.

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