Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Peacefully Introducing a New Cat to Your Home

Are you thinking about getting a new kitten or bringing home a stray cat but don't know how to thwart WW III? Sometimes, cats are similar to people in that they like having their space all for themselves. You may have noticed that they don't appreciate other cats or even the smell of them. There are some techniques to try to ensure the smoothest, safest and most stress-free transition between your old pet and the new one.

The first thing is to make sure your new pet is healthy so you'll need to take him to the vet for a checkup. Here, the vet will check for different diseases, treat for intestinal worms, check and treat ear mites and give shots. Also, the vet may recommend flea medicine. Now that he's gotten the "all clear" from his doctor, he's safe to come to his new home.

Your new cat is going through a lot of stressful changes right now: the car ride, the visit to the vet's office, a new owner, a new home with all different smells, and now...gulp, another cat? Because of these different factors, take it slow and easy with him. Put him in a room by himself when he first gets to his new house. Put a litterbox, food and water, his own toys and bedding with a blanket, towel, or old t-shirt or yours. Put some catnip or treats on the blanket to interest him. Let him explore and get comfortable by himself.

After a day or two, take the kitty's blanket (give him another item with your scent) and put it where the other cat can smell it. Look for reactions from him like growling and loud sniffing. Signs that you'll need to take more time before introducing the two include hissing or biting the blanket.

After a few days when your old cat has gotten his scent on the blanket, give it back to the new cat. Again, look for warning signs from him. Wait a couple of days then spread the blanket under the door. This allows both cats to safely get near each other and smell their scents together. They may paw under the door. Put snacks, food, or sprinkle catnip on the blanket on both sides.

If all goes well, allow them to meet but be prepared to throw a towel on them if they start fighting. Given the amount of time they've previously had getting used to each other's scents, there shouldn't be any major conflicts.

Remember to keep giving plenty of attention to your old cat; he's been going through some stressful changes, too! Be patient and loving. This is an exciting time for all of you with years of friendship and fun ahead.

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