Monday, July 31, 2006
YOUR GARDEN: Q&A Pulling the birds
QI HAVE been bought a bird table for my birthday. Have you any tips to encourage birds? - Mark Strong, Winchester, Hants.
APUT it where there is cover so birds can find protection if threatened, but not so close to shrubs that cats can lurk unseen. Provide fresh water as well as food - toxin-free peanuts and high energy seed blends are best, although scraps like grated cheese and fruit are appreciated.
QWHAT can I plant on my garage wall to give some instant colour and interest throughout the year? - Helen Walsh, Northallerton, Yorks.
APYRANCATHAS are at their flaming best in autumn, with fiery red, orange or yellow berries. They have white summer flowers and evergreen leaves to provide interest in the garden all year round. Orange Glow is one of the best with loads of orange-red berries that last well in to the winter. Soleil d'Or is a good choice for yellow berries.
QI WOULD like to grow some pots of hyacinths to give friends at Christmas time. How do I go about it? - Caroline Slater, Mablethorpe, Lincs.
AYOU will need to buy specially-prepared bulbs for forcing into flower in time. You can plant several in a bowl, a pencil thickness apart with their noses just out of the soil. The pots will need to be put in a cold, dark place for about 10-12 weeks to encourage roots to form before they sprout leaves. Bring them into the light to coax them into leafy growth. Only when the buds show colour should they be brought into the house. For Christmas flowering bulbs need to be planted by the first week of October.
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