Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Wanted: cats to be guinea pigs for birds

ONE THOUSAND cats are being sought to test a new hi-tech device aimed at saving Britain's birds. The British Trust for Ornithology, which is launching the appeal, believes the gadget can save many of the estimated 55-60 million birds and 300 million small mammals killed by cats each year.

The device, called CatAlert, comes in the form of a collar which emits an electronic bell-like sound. Cat owners are being asked to fill in questionnaires with details of what their cat caught when the collar was switched on - and what it caught when the device was deactivated.

Nigel Clark, of the BTO, said today: "The initial trial showed a significant reduction in bird kills - but we need to know how well the devices work at different times of year. In a way, the cats are acting as guinea pigs." It is estimated that 10 per cent of garden birds which die in Britain each year are killed by domestic cats.

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