Friday, July 07, 2006

Bed & breakfast for the birds - Bird Care with Love boarding facilities for birds

Wild birds may fly south for the winter, but pet birds need to be more concerned about the "migration patterns" of their vacationing owners. So one enterprice in Florida offers hotel accommodations to fine feathered pets whose humans have temporarily flown the coop.

"Birds get lonely without people around," says Susan Crowley, who disagrees with the old idea that while dogs and cats Weed a pet sitter or must be boarded when their owners are away, birds can do fine with an occasional Visit from their owners' friends. In fact, Crowley believed so strongly that the needs of birds equal -- and and some cases surpass -- those of cats and dogs that she decided to do something about it. The result is Bird Care with Love, which she calls a bed and breakfast for birds.

Crowley's idea, though new and apparently unique, may soon catch on in other locations. With boarding facilities catering mainly to cats, dogs, and a few exotic animals, birds have more or less had to wing it until now. Most are left home alone, with only a few visits from neighbors or friends to freshen food and water and sometimes clean their cages. Bird Care with Love, however, not only provides pet birds with human companionship but also caters to their preferences in almost all areas.

Before bringing a bird in, owners fill out a detailed questionnaire about their pets' habits and health. For example, Crowley wants to know whether or not a bird is used to having a tV or radio on during the day, if it should spend time outside its cage, and if it should receive fruits and vegetables every day. In case of emergency, owners can leave the number of their veterinarian or choose from a list of local veterinarians provided by Crowley. The questionnaire ends with a request for a detailed description of a typical day in the bird's life at home.

"A lot of birds are pretty spoiled," says Crowley. "You can tell right away when the owner comes in with a suitcase fall of special treats and belongings. With some of the larger, more intelligent birds, you often have to deal with them as you would a small child, so I try my best to create an atmosphere and environment that is as close as possible to what they are used to at home."

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